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Announcement on imported Myanmar wild aquatic products inspection and quarantine requirements

In accordance with Chinese laws and regulations and the provisions on inspection, quarantine, and veterinary health requirements for the importation of wild aquatic products from Myanmar established by the General Administration of Customs of the People's Republic of China and the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, and Irrigation of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar, the following requirements are effective immediately:


I. Basis for Inspection and Quarantine

1. Laws and implementing regulations of the People's Republic of China on the quarantine of imported and exported animals and plants, and the inspection of imported and exported goods.

2. Regulations on food safety management for imports and exports of the People's Republic of China and on the registration of foreign food production enterprises for imports.

3. Protocol (hereinafter referred to as "the Protocol") between the General Administration of Customs of the People's Republic of China and the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, and Irrigation of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar on the veterinary and sanitation requirements for wild aquatic products imported to China from Myanmar.


II. Scope of Imported Products

Wild aquatic products refer to wild aquatic animals and their products, marine plant products, and their derivatives consumed by humans. It does not include species listed in the CITES appendix and China's national key protected wildlife directory, live aquatic animals, and breeding materials for aquatic plants and animals.


III. Production Enterprise Requirements

Enterprises exporting wild aquatic products to China (including processing enterprises, fishing vessels, transport vessels, processing vessels, and independent cold storage) should obtain official approval from Myanmar and be effectively supervised. These enterprises should comply with Chinese and Myanmar veterinary and public health regulations.


According to Chinese laws and regulations, enterprises exporting wild aquatic products to China should be recommended and registered by the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, and Irrigation of Myanmar with the General Administration of Customs of China. Unregistered enterprises are not allowed to export to China.


IV. Requirements for Imported Products

Myanmar should ensure that the exported wild aquatic products meet the following conditions:

1. Legally caught in Myanmar's territorial or international waters.

2. Neither the raw materials nor the products come from:

   - Areas in Myanmar affected by diseases listed in the quarantine list of the People's Republic of China and mandatory notification diseases related to the products in the Protocol set by the World Organization for Animal Health (WOAH).

   - Any major food safety incidents in Myanmar that have affected or could affect the exported products.

   - Violations of Chinese and Myanmar laws and the Protocol.

   - Major public health incidents in the production enterprise, such as significant contagious diseases among employees that have contaminated or could contaminate the exported products, packaging, or transportation tools.

   - Fishing areas affected by pollutants, such as radioactive materials.


3. Neither direct nor indirect use of prohibited drugs or additives by both parties. Use of restricted or permitted drugs or additives in accordance with regulations. Inspection by competent authorities has not found pathogens, toxic substances, or foreign objects stipulated in Chinese and Myanmar laws and regulations.

4. All products are inspected and found to be hygienic, safe, suitable for human consumption, without any signs of infectious diseases or parasitic diseases, and without any aquatic animal diseases listed in the quarantine list of the People's Republic of China and those mandatory for notification by WOAH.

5. Capture, processing, packaging, storage, transportation, transshipment, and export processes all comply with the relevant sanitary and traceability requirements of both parties and meet the relevant safety and health requirements of the cold chain.


V. Certificate Requirements

Each container of wild aquatic products exported from Myanmar to China should be accompanied by at least one original veterinary (health) certificate. The certificate should be printed in both Chinese and English (with English being mandatory when filling out the certificate).


VI. Packaging and Labeling Requirements

Imported products should have external and individual internal packaging, which should be made of brand-new materials that meet international sanitary standards. Both should be labeled in Chinese and English or Chinese and Burmese.


VII. Other Requirements 

Chinese customs will implement import inspection and quarantine for wild aquatic products imported from Myanmar.


Failure to comply will result in actions such as returns, destruction, or other measures in accordance with Chinese laws and regulations. For enterprises that have serious issues or frequent non-compliance, strengthened inspection, quarantine measures, or suspension of imports may be imposed.


This is hereby announced.

General Administration of Customs

October 17, 2023

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